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Envision Web Solutions


Pricing Overview / (PROMOTION)

  • Most web providers charge thousands of dollars up-front (apples to apples - $7,000.00- $12,000.00) plus a monthly fee and then extra charges for any updates or changes to your web site. We don’t like that model!

  • During this promotion, we’re not requiring any up front cash. Your monthly payment will be as little as $200.00 per month or as much as $250.00 per month, depending on which package is best for you. That’s an average monthly phone bill for many businesses!... for multiple High End internet marketing services…, including a state-of-the-art custom website!

  • So, you get a fully customized, First-Class web site, fully programmed by professional programmers, free hosting, visitor tracking system, free web site updates, email accounts, etc. We even throw in free print design work. All of this is included for a small monthly fee..., with no long term contract!

How Do We Not Lose Our Tail?

  • A winning and well thought out business model has given us thousands of satisfied customers who love our product and pay us recurring revenue. This means significant savings to you…

  • BUT…, this model really only works IF our customers stay with us…, and they do! Why would they leave?... it won’t be for better quality (you be the judge)…, they don’t want to spend more…, they don’t want to open their wallet every time they want to make a change…, they don’t want to deal with five different companies…, and to ring our own bell a little - they won’t find better customer service anywhere else! (24/7 live Human Being Customer Support).

  • We take on a lot of risk!! That’s why our clients jump on board. It’s a no brainer! Once they partner with us…, it’s our job to keep them, and we do a pretty good job.

  • Most of our costs are incurred within the first six weeks of working on your website: The design, the database, programming, SEO etc., all happens at once. However we don’t charge you for all this work up-front. We give you five years to pay it off. So we're essentially funding your web site and the rest of the tools and marketing package for you. Why?

  • Because we know once you partner with us, our relationship will grow, you will reap the benefits of our program, you’ll love your new image of excellence and the convenience and low monetary output…, and we’ll be working with you for years to come. History is 100% accurate…, and a 96% retention rate is our 12 year history.

  • And guess what? The internet changes rapidly! We’ll even completely rebuild your entire website after 2-1/2 years! For Free!

How’s that for service and value?